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This page contains descriptions of general purpose utility commands and functions available in Kojo.


Command/Function Description
size(w, h) sets the size of the canvas to the given width and height.
cwidth returns the current width of the canvas.
cheight returns the current height of the canvas.
originBottomLeft() puts the origin at the bottom left of the canvas.
setup { drawing code } calls the drawing code once at the beginning of your program.
drawLoop { drawing code } calls the drawing code at the default refresh rate, which is 50 times a second.
setRefreshRate(n) sets the refresh rate to n times per second. The next time a clear() is done, the refresh rate is reset to its default value of 50.
erasePictures() erases all the pictures in the canvas.
viewRotate(angle) rotates the contents of the drawing canvas by the given angle.
viewTranslate(x, y) translates the contents of the drawing canvas by the given (x, y)).
viewScale(factor) scales the contents of the drawing canvas by the given factor.

Random numbers

Command/Function Description
random(upperBound) Returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and upperBound (exclusive).
random(lowerBound, upperBound) Returns a random integer between lowerBound (inclusive) and upperBound (exclusive).
randomDouble(upperBound) Returns a random decimal fraction between 0 (inclusive) and upperBound (exclusive).
randomDouble(lowerBound, upperBound) Returns a random decimal fraction between lowerBound (inclusive) and upperBound (exclusive).
randomNormalDouble Returns a normally distributed number with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
randomBoolean Returns a random boolean value. This is like a coin toss.
randomFrom(seq) Returns a random value from the given sequence.
randomFrom(seq, weights) Returns a random value from the given sequence as per the given distribution of weights.
randomColor Returns a random color.
initRandomGenerator() Initializes the Kojo random number generater with a random seed, and prints out the seed for future reference.
initRandomGenerator(seed) Initializes the Kojo random number generater with the given seed (potentially obtained via the previous command) to enable the reproducing of random patterns.


Function Description
mathx.map(value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) Maps the given value from the range (start1, stop1) to the range (start2, stop2).
mathx.lerp(start, stop, amt) Returns the interpolation as per the given fraction amt in the range (start, stop).
mathx.constrain(value, min, max) Constrains the given value between min and max.
mathx.distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) Calculates the distance between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
mathx.distance(point1, point2) Calculates the distance between point1 and point2.
mathx.angle(x1, y1, x2, y2) calculates the angle in degrees between the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) and the horizontal.
mathx.angle(point1, point2) calculates the angle in degrees between the line from point1 to point2 and the horizontal.
rangeTill(from, untill, step) returns a range that starts from from, goes until (but excluding) until, and steps up by step. See example.


Function Description
cm.hsl(hueAngle, saturationFraction, lightnessFraction) Creates a color with the given hue, saturation, and lightness.
cm.hsla(hueAngle, saturationFraction, lightnessFraction, opacityFraction) Creates a color with the given hue, saturation, lightness, and opacity.
cm.linearGradient(x1, y1, c1, x2, y2, c2, cyclic) Creates a linear color gradient between color c1 at position (x1, y1) and color c2 at position (x2, y2). The cyclic parameter specifies whether the gradient should be repeated or not.
cm.radialGradient(cx, cy, c1, radius, c2, cyclic) Creates a radial color gradient between color c1 at the center of a circle positioned at (x1, y1) and color c2 at a distance radius from the center. The cyclic parameter specifies whether the gradient should be repeated or not.
cm.linearMultipleGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2, distribution, colors, cyclic) Creates a linear color multi-gradient between position (x1, y1) and position (x2, y2). The gardient is spread across this range as per the distribution and colors; distribution is a sequence of fractions, and colors is a sequence of colors. Both sequences should have the same number of elements. So, for example, if the distribution is Seq(0, 0.4, 1) and colors is Seq(red, blue, green), then the multi-gradient will be made out of red at the beginning of the range, blue at 40% of the range, and green at the end of the range. The cyclic parameter specifies whether the gradient should be repeated or not.
cm.radialMultipleGradient(x, y, r, distribution, colors, cyclic) Creates a radial color multi-gradient between position (x, y) as the center of a circle with radius r and the boundary of this circle. The gardient is spread across this range as per the distribution and colors; distribution is a sequence of fractions, and colors is a sequence of colors. Both sequences should have the same number of elements. So, for example, if the distribution is Seq(0, 0.4, 1) and colors is Seq(red, blue, green), then the multi-gradient will be made out of red at the beginning of the range, blue at 40% of the range, and green at the end of the range. The cyclic parameter specifies whether the gradient should be repeated or not.


Function Description
isKeyPressed(keyCode) Returns true if the given key is currently pressed on the keyboard. Otherwise returns false.
joystick(radius) Creates a joystick control with the given radius.
js.currentVector Tells you the current vector for the joystick js. This vector is defined by two points - the center of the joystick control, and the center of the moveable joystick circle.
js.movePlayer(pic, scaleFactor) For the joystick js, moves the player based on the movement of the joystick circle, as per the currentVector defined above. You can scale the currentVector by using scaleFactor to make the movement faster (scaleFactor > 1) or slower (scaleFactor < 1).



rangeTill(4, 10, 2).toArray //> res16: Array[Int] = Array(4, 6, 8)
rangeTill(4, 11.5, 2.5).toArray //> res17: Array[BigDecimal] = Array(4.0, 6.5, 9.0)

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