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Picture Layout

This activity has the following desired goals:

  • Learning to lay out pictures in rows, columns, and stacks (A, M).

Step 1

Type in the following code and run it:

val pic1 = Picture.rectangle(100, 100)
val pic2 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
val pic3 = Picture.rectangle(25, 25)
val pics = picRow(pic1, pic2, pic3)

Q1a. What does the above code do? Explain to a friend.

Q1b. What do you think the picRow function does?

Self Exploration

  1. Instead of using picRow in the code above, use picRowCentered. How does that change the output?
  2. Instead of using draw in the code above, use drawCentered. How does that change the output?

Step 2

Type in the following code and run it:

val pic1 = Picture.rectangle(100, 100)
val pic2 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
val pic3 = Picture.rectangle(25, 25)
val pics = picColCentered(pic1, pic2, pic3)

Q2a. What do you think the picColCentered function does?

Step 3

Type in the following code and run it:

val pic1 = Picture.rectangle(100, 100)
val pic2 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
val pic3 = Picture.rectangle(25, 25)
val pics = picStackCentered(pic1, pic2, pic3)

Q3a. What do you think the picStackCentered function does?

Step 4

Type in the following code and run it:

val pic1 = Picture.rectangle(100, 100)
val pic2 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
val pic3 = Picture.rectangle(25, 25)

val row = picRowCentered(pic2, pic3)
val col = picColCentered(pic1, row)

Q4a. What does the above code do? Explain to a friend.

Step 5

Type in the following code and run it:

val pic1 = Picture.rectangle(100, 100)
val pic2 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
val pic3 = Picture.rectangle(25, 25)

val row = picRowCentered(pic2, Picture.hgap(10), pic3)
val col = picColCentered(pic1, Picture.vgap(30), row)

Q5a. What does the above code do? Explain to a friend.

Q5b What do you think the Picture.hgap function does?

Q5c What do you think the Picture.vgap function does?


Multiple pictures can be laid out in the following ways:

Layout type Function for layout (with centering) Function for layout (without centering)
row - left to right picRowCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picRow(pic1, pic2, ...)
column - bottom to top picColCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picCol(pic1, pic2, ...)
stack - one over the other picStackCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picStack(pic1, pic2, ...)

Useful functions:

  • Picture.hgap(width) - Creates an invisible picture with the given width. This can be used during picture layout - to provide horizontal spacing.
  • Picture.vgap(height) - Creates an invisible picture with the given height. This can be used during picture layout - to provide vertical spacing.


Write a program to make the following figure:


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