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Picture Graphics Reference

Picture Creation

Function Description
Picture {turtle drawing code} Creates a picture from the given turtle drawing.
Picture.line(width, height) Creates a picture of a line with the given width and height.
Picture.rectangle(width, height) Creates a picture of a rectangle with the given width and height.
Picture.circle(radius) Creates a picture of a circle with the given radius. The center of the circle is at (0, 0)
Picture.ellipse(xRadius, yRadius) Creates a picture of an ellipse with the given xRadius and yRadius. The center of the ellipse is at (0, 0)
Picture.ellipseInRect(width, height) Creates a picture of an ellipse with the given width and height.
Picture.point Creates a picture of a point.
Picture.arc(radius, angle) Creates a picture of an arc with the given radius and angle. The center of the arc is at (0, 0).
Picture.text(string) Creates a picture with the given text.
Picture.hgap(width) Creates an invisible picture with the given width. This can be used during picture layout - to provide horizontal spacing.
Picture.vgap(height) Creates an invisible picture with the given height. This can be used during picture layout - to provide vertical spacing.
Picture.image(fileName) Creates a picture with the image in the given file.
Picture.image(fileName, envelope) Creates a picture with the image in the given file, and with the given envelope for the picture’s (collision) geometry.
Picture.image(url) Creates a picture with the image at the given file link.
Picture.image(image) Creates a picture with the given image.

Picture Transformation

Transformation Object/function Method/function Method/command
rotate rot(angle) -> pic pic.withRotation(angle) pic.rotate(angle)
scale scale(f) -> pic pic.withScaling(f) pic.scale(f)
translate trans(x, y) -> pic pic.withTranslation(x, y) pic.translate(x, y)
position at a given location NA pic.withPosition(x, y) pic.setPosition(x, y)
change pen color penColor(color) -> pic pic.withPenColor(color) pic.setPenColor(color)
change pen thickness penThickness(t) -> pic pic.withPenThickness(t) pic.setPenThickness(t)
change fill color fillColor(color) -> pic pic.withFillColor(color) pic.setFillColor(color)
set opacity opac(o) -> pic pic.withOpacity(o) pic.setOpacity(o)

Picture Layout

Layout type Function for layout (with centering) Function for layout (without centering)
stack - one over the other picStackCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picStack(pic1, pic2, ...)
row - left to right picRowCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picRow(pic1, pic2, ...)
column - bottom to top picColCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picCol(pic1, pic2, ...)

Picture Effects

Picture Drawing

  • draw(pic) - draws the picture.
  • pic.draw() - similar to the above.
  • drawCentered(pic) - draws the picture centered in the canvas.


  • Picture.showAxes(pic)
  • Picture.showAxes(pic1, pic2, ...)
  • Picture.showBounds(pic)
  • Picture.showBounds(pic1, pic2, ...)

Picture Animation

animate { } loop.

Transformations useful during animation and gaming:

  • pic.invisible() - hides pic.
  • pic.visible() - makes hidden pic visible again.
  • pic.erase() - erases pic and removes it from the canvas.

Picture Collisions

  • pic.collidesWith(stageBorder) - returns true if pic has collided with the stage border. bouncing off the stage.
  • pic.collidesWith(other: Picture) - returns true if pic has collided with other.
  • pic.collisions(others: Set[Picture]) - returns the subset of pictures within others that pic has collided with.
  • pic.collision(others: Seq[Picture]) - returns an Option with the first picture in others that pic has collided with.
  • bouncePicOffStage(pic, vel) - for a picture pic moving with velocity vel - this function returns the velocity after bouncing off the stage.
  • bouncePicOffPic(pic: Picture, vel: Vector2D, obstacle: Picture)- for a picture pic moving with velocity vel - this function returns the velocity after bouncing off obstacle.

Picture Event Handling

  • pic.onMouseClick { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is clicked inside the picture.
  • pic.onMousePress { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is pressed inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseRelease { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is released inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseMove { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse moves inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseDrag { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is dragged inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseEnter { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse enters the picture.
  • pic.onMouseExit { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse exits the picture.

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