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Object Oriented Programming

This activity has the following desired goals:

  • Learning about object oriented programming (A, M).
  • Going through the process of converting a regular structured program to an object oriented program (A, M).
  • Understanding Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and Composition (A, M).
  • Using the above ideas to create a new class to fit into an existing program (M, T).

Step 1

Type in the following code and run it:


val pic1 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
val pic2 = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)
draw(pic1, pic2)

var vel1 = Vector2D(1, 2)
var vel2 = Vector2D(-1, 2)

animate {
    if (pic1.collidesWith(stageBorder)) {
        vel1 = bouncePicOffStage(pic1, vel1)
    if (pic2.collidesWith(stageBorder)) {
        vel2 = bouncePicOffStage(pic2, vel2)

Q1a. What does the above program do? How does it do it?

Step 2

Type in the following code and run it:


class InstagePic(pic: Picture, vel: Vector2D) {
    var currVel = vel
    def move() {
        if (pic.collidesWith(stageBorder)) {
            currVel = bouncePicOffStage(pic, currVel)

    def draw() {

val pic1 = new InstagePic(Picture.rectangle(50, 50), Vector2D(1, 2))
val pic2 = new InstagePic(Picture.rectangle(50, 50), Vector2D(-1, 2))


animate {

Q2a. Does the above program do the same thing as the program in Step 1? How is it different?


In the program in Step 2, the logic for bouncing off the stage and keeping within the stage area has moved inside the class InstagePic.

So what’s a class, and how does it relate to object oriented programming? Read on:

  • A class is a description/definition of a type.
  • Given a class X, you can create an object of type X named, say, x1 by doing val x1 = new X.
  • x1 is now an object with type X. x1 is called an instance of X. You can create as many instances of X in your program as you want, giving them whatever names you want.
  • The data and methods available in the object x1 are as per the definition of X (because x1 is an instance of X).
  • Programming with objects is called object oriented programming.
  • The core ideas in object oriented programming are:
    • Abstraction - Something useful is created with a given name and a way of interacting with it (called its interface).
    • Encapsulation - The implementation of the interface is hidden behind the walls of the abstraction (within the body of the class/object).
    • Polymorphism - Different types of objects with the same interface can be treated in the same fashion. Ploymorphism literally means - many forms, and supports the idea of the same thing (interface) in many forms (implementations).
    • Inheritence and composition - to use the functionality of a given class, a new class can inherit from it or use it (by containing an instance of it).

Q2b. Can you identify the abstraction in the above code?

Q2b. Can you identify the encapsulation in the above code?

Step 3

Type in the following code and run it:


trait Shape {
    def pic: Picture
    var currVel: Vector2D = _

    def draw() {

    def move() {
        if (pic.collidesWith(stageBorder)) {
            currVel = bouncePicOffStage(pic, currVel)

    def printShape()

class Square(size: Int, vel: Vector2D) extends Shape {
    val pic = Picture.rectangle(size, size)
    currVel = vel

    def printShape() {

class Circle(radius: Int, vel: Vector2D) extends Shape {
    val pic = Picture.circle(radius)
    currVel = vel

    def printShape() {

val pic1 = new Square(50, Vector2D(1, 2))
val pic2 = new Circle(25, Vector2D(-1, 2))

val pics = List(pic1, pic2)
repeatFor(pics) { pic =>

animate {
    repeatFor(pics) { pic =>

Q3a. Can you identify the abstraction in the above code?

Q3b. Can you identify the interface vs implementation in the above code?

Q3c. Can you identify the inheritance in the above code?

Q3d. Can you identify the composition in the above code?

Q3e. Can you identify the polymorphism in the above code?


  • The core abstraction above is Shape. It is defined using a trait, which is similar to an interface in Java. The Shape abstraction defines the interface via which a user of a Shape can interact with the given shape.
  • Shape has two different implementations - Square and Circle, each of which extends or inherits from Shape.
  • Shape provides an implementation of draw and move, which are inherited (and do not need to be defined again) by Square and Circle.
  • Every shape has a Picture pic within it (via composition) when can be used to draw and move the shape on the stage.
  • The two repeatFor calls show polymorphism in action, as both Square and Circle (which are poly morphs or different forms of Shape) are handled in exactly the same way.


Add a triangle shape to the above example - so that when you run the program, three different shapes (a square, a circle, and a triangle) move out from the center, bounce off the stage borders, and stay within the stage area.

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