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Pictures - responding to the keyboard, joystick, and mouse clicks

This activity has the following desired goals:

  • Learning how to make a picture respond to keyboard key-presses (A, M).
  • Learning how to make a picture respond to mouse clicks (A, M).
  • Learning how to make a picture respond to the joystick (A, M).
  • Learning to apply the above ideas to interact with a picture (M, T).

Step 1

Type in the following code and run it:


val pic = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)

val speed = 5
animate {
    if (isKeyPressed(Kc.VK_RIGHT)) {
        pic.translate(speed, 0)
    if (isKeyPressed(Kc.VK_LEFT)) {
        pic.translate(-speed, 0)
    if (isKeyPressed(Kc.VK_UP)) {
        pic.translate(0, speed)
    if (isKeyPressed(Kc.VK_DOWN)) {
        pic.translate(0, -speed)

Q1a. What does the above program do?

Q1b. What information does the Kc (short for key-code) object contain? Use code completion to find out

Q1c What do you think the isKeyPressed query does? What input does it take? What result does it return?


  • Every time you press a key on the keyboard, a key-press event is sent to the window on your screen that has the focus.
  • The drawing canvas gets the focus if you either (a) click on it or (b) run the activateCanvas() command.
  • Every key-press event has a key-code associated with it (to identify it).
  • All possible key-codes are defined in the Kc object.
  • The isKeyPressed(keyCode) function takes a key-code as input and returns true if that key is currently pressed. Otherwise it returns false.

Step 2

Type in the following code and run it:

val cb = canvasBounds

val pic = fillColor(red) -> Picture.rectangle(400, 400)

pic.onMouseClick { (x, y) =>
    val msg = Picture.text("Done", 30)

Q2a. What does the above program do?

Q2b. Replace the onMouseClick with onMousePress in the code above. How does that change the functioning of the program?

Q2c. Replace the onMouseClick with onMouseRelease in the code above. How does that change the functioning of the program?


Command descriptions:

  • pic.erase() - Erases pic from the drawing canvas.
  • pic.onMouseClick { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is clicked inside pic.
  • pic.onMousePress { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is pressed inside pic.
  • pic.onMouseRelease { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is released inside pic.
  • pic.onMouseMove { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse moves inside pic.
  • pic.onMouseDrag { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is dragged inside pic.
  • pic.onMouseEnter { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse enters pic.
  • pic.onMouseExit { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse exits pic.

Step 3

Type in the following code and run it:

val pic = Picture.rectangle(50, 50)

val js = joystick(25)
val cb = canvasBounds
js.setPostiion(cb.x + cb.width / 2, cb.y + 25 + 10)

animate {
    js.movePlayer(pic, 1)

Q3a. What does the above program do?

Q3b What does the joystick function do?

Q3c How does the joystick help you to move/control the picture?

Q3d What does the second input to js.movePlayer do? Find out by changing the value from 1 to 0.5 and then 2.


Command/Function descriptions:

  • joystick(radius) - creates a joystick control with the given radius.
  • js.currentVector - tells you the current vector for the joystick js. This vector is defined by two points - the center of the joystick control, and the center of the moveable joystick circle.
  • js.movePlayer(pic, scaleFactor) - for the joystick js, moves the player based on the movement of the joystick circle, as per the currentVector defined above. You can scale the currentVector by using scaleFactor to make the movement faster (scaleFactor > 1) or slower (scaleFactor < 1).


Write a program that does the following:

  • Creates a rectangular picture.
  • Allows the user to control the picture via a joystick poisitoned at the bottom right of the stage.
  • Allows the user to increase the size of the picture by pressing the up arrow.
  • Allows the user to decrease the size of the picture by clicking on it.

You can use the following command in your solution:

  • pic.scale(f) - changes the size of pic. If the given f is greater than 1, the size of the picture increases. If f is less than 1, the size decreases.

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